Privacy Policy

The protection of your personal data and the transparency in its treatment constitute a priority and constant objective for us and our corporate policies.

Below, we inform you of our Privacy Policy, which we have summarised by sections in order to make it easier to read and understand. Please read it carefully. If you do not agree with this policy, you should not use this website and its utilities.


This document contains our Privacy Policy, drawn up in compliance with current legislation, in which we inform you of our general corporate policies on personal data protection, as well as our specific policies that affect users of our website (hereinafter the “website”), utilities and services, and this in relation to the personal data that may be processed or collected from them through or in relation to the said website, utilities and services, so that users are aware of the same and determine, freely and voluntarily, whether they wish to use them and that their data may be processed in accordance with the purposes indicated.

The Privacy Policy shall apply to the processing of the personal data of the users of our website, utilities and services, including both the data provided directly by the users themselves, and those that may be collected automatically or provided by third parties during the use of this website and its utilities, the provision of any information or service and/or in the development of a contractual relationship with us. Additional terms and conditions may also apply to your interaction with us, depending on the utilities and services you request and use from time to time. 

The access, use and maintenance of our website, utilities and services entails the processing of personal information of its users in accordance with the purposes informed in this policy. The user is informed in this policy of the way in which we treat and protect the personal data provided to us or to which we have access and process through the use of its different tools, options, utilities, contents and browsing.

The navigation or use of our website, as well as its options, contents and functionalities, implies the user’s agreement with its terms and conditions and with our Privacy Policy. The provision of any required information implies the acceptance of its treatment in a manner consistent with the purpose for which it was provided and your agreement with these conditions and policies. Similarly, acceptance of our terms and policies through any of the options provided implies full and unreserved acceptance of all its terms and conditions. 

You should read our policy carefully to ensure that you fully understand it. We have tried to include in its wording all legally required aspects from a global and protectionist approach, although, given its length, in case you have any questions, you can contact us directly at the address we have enabled for this purpose: If you do not agree with our policies and conditions, please leave this website and do not use it or its utilities.

Data controller

The owner of this web platform and responsible for the processing of your personal data while browsing and using this platform, its applications and services is Estudio Epigram, S.C.P., with NIF number J98900897, postal address for notification purposes at calle La Paz, nº17-4-8, CP 46003 Valencia (Spain), and email address If you would like further information or to make any request or complaint regarding data protection, you may contact us at the e-mail address indicated, as we inform you below.

Data processed

The data that we process while browsing and using this website and any of its contents, utilities, services and options are the browsing data themselves, as well as, where appropriate, your identification, corporate and contact data such as name, telephone number and email address in order to manage your requests for contact and information. In the event of subscription or contracting of any of our services, together with the identification and contact data, we may process data relating to your personal circumstances such as date of birth, age, image, DNI/NIF, professional, commercial, economic, payment and banking data such as account number and any other additional data that may be necessary to collect within the framework of the operation, functionality and management of the contracting and provision of the services that we make available to you. If you provide us with data of third parties, for example, users or customers, you must have their consent, exempting us from any liability arising therefrom.

The fields marked in forms with an asterisk (*) are compulsory and failure to complete them will make it impossible to deal with your request or application. The personal data you provide when filling in contact or access forms as a user that are identified as “obligatory” are necessary to deal with your request, provide information, content or service requested and/or maintain contact, depending on their nature. The data you provide to subscribe to information services, news or commercial contact will initially be limited to your name, company (if applicable), e-mail address and contact telephone number.

We also inform you that we may process the data of our website users through our interactions with and through them. The data we may collect about your interactions, use, requests and experiences with our services depends on the context of your interactions, the functions you use, the data you provide and, where applicable, the choices you make, including managing preferences and settings. 

The data processed may be collected: a) Directly from you when you provide it to us through our website, utilities and services, whether in person, by telephone or electronically, for example when you provide it when filling in a form, subscribing or using certain utilities and services; b) Automatically, through your access and use of our website, utilities and services, and the tools and utilities available to them, for example user IDs; c) From third parties, for example and where applicable, the entity to which you belong.

The information we collect and may process may include, but is not limited to, identifying and contact information (such as name, image, email address and telephone number), technical and location information (such as IP address, operating system or browser), usage information and activities when using the functionalities and utilities of our website, as well as, in the case of contracting our services, information about your use of our website, in case of contracting our services, professional information (job title, company), business information (company, products, services, customers, suppliers, contacts) and financial and business transaction information, as well as other information that can be inferred about a user inherently or in association therewith or that identifies or can reasonably be associated with a user. 

When we request personal data from a user, the user may decline to do so, although most of our services and utilities that may be made available to the user may require some personal data for their provision, access and use, so in these cases, if you choose not to provide the data required to provide you with a content, service or utility, you may not be able to access or use them. Similarly, when we need to collect or verify personal data by law in order to manage a subscription or enter into a contract, fulfil or maintain it, if it is not provided, we will not be able to enter into or maintain it, and we may be obliged to suspend or cancel it if it has been entered into, and we will inform you of this when the case arises. If the provision of personal data is optional and a user chooses not to provide it, the services, functions and utilities related to such data, e.g. personalisation, are likely not to work for the user.

Purpose of processing

The data will be processed, depending on the purpose for which they are provided, collected and/or requested, in order to allow you to browse and use the platform, manage and deal with your requests for information, manage your subscription to services, provide you with the services you request and contract, and manage our administrative, legal, accounting and tax obligations associated with all of the above. Contact data will be used to communicate with the user. 

The data will also be processed to serve and manage our legitimate interests and activities, in a manner consistent with your rights and preferences, which may require processing of your data to maintain contact, respond to your queries and suggestions, provide you with updates and information, learn more about our users, their interests and preferences, improve and personalise your experience, authenticate our users (if applicable), analyse our performance, develop our work capacity, develop, deliver and improve our products and services, carry out studies, innovate and research, communicate offers and promotions, manage and personalise advertisements, report errors and functional defects, security purposes as well as internal purposes, such as auditing and data analysis. In this sense, we inform you that we carry out analysis of the use made of the website, as well as the preferences and behaviour of users in order to improve them and offer you the best information, applications and services, as far as possible, adapted to your preferences. 

Where appropriate, the profiles on social networks, platforms and channels to which we have access will not involve data processing beyond that which the social network, platform or channel itself allows for corporate profiles, except in the case of users who register with their profiles on such networks. In this sense, we may use these profiles to inform users of the same subscribed to our profile, platform, network or channel about our activities, events, services, offers, promotions or news, as well as to share information of interest on current topics. We do not extract any data directly from these networks, platforms or channels, except in the cases in which the user is expressly and previously informed.

The data will also be processed in order to comply with the legal obligations to which we are subject.


The legal basis for the processing of your data is the fulfilment of our contractual obligations and commitments, the proper management and maintenance of the relationship and contact when users relate to us, allowing them to use the website, utilities, options and tools and providing them with the information, services and content made available to them through the website that they request, in accordance with their own requests and consent. 

We may also process your data on the basis of the individual consents you have given us, as well as where necessary, to comply with legal obligations and, where appropriate, to meet our stated legitimate interests, if doing so is consistent with your rights and appropriate to the context, for example, to provide satisfactory services and experiences to our users, continuously improve them, monitor their performance and functionality, report and correct errors, perform internal analysis of our activity, prevent misuse, security or our own business interests. We only process personal data where we have a legal basis for doing so.

The legal basis for sending you any informational and/or commercial content or communication is your own request or subscription to our services, as well as our legitimate business interests. The legal basis for analysing the visits and preferences of the users of the website is our own interest in adapting and offering a better browsing, information and service experience. The processing of user data that we may carry out at a commercial level is also based on our own legitimate interest as recognised by the legal framework in force. In any case, we consider that we have your consent to the processing of your data for the purposes indicated from the moment you provide them to us by telephone, electronic or postal mail, or fill in and send any application, registration, subscription or contact form that is made available to you or that has products or services that inherently entail the processing of your data.

Duration of processing

The data will be processed and kept for the time necessary to fulfil the purposes for which they were collected unless the user revokes their consent, requests their deletion, the limitation of processing, their portability, their opposition to their processing or, in the case of registered users, requests their deregistration, with the exception of data that must be kept for longer periods as provided for by law, in order to meet any obligation or liability, legal or contractual, that may arise from the relationship maintained and/or processing. In the event that your data is used for more than one purpose with different periods of time, we will store your data for the longest retention period. 

The data of users who register or subscribe to information services, news or downloading of periodical content will be processed until the user requests to unsubscribe from them. We periodically review the personal data we hold to determine whether it is appropriate to retain it.


This website and its contents, services, tools and utilities are aimed at companies, public entities and professionals (of legal age and legal entities), who must have the necessary legal capacity to contract and bind themselves, as well as to authorise the processing of their data and to use the products and services they intend to use. The request or subscription to any service or acquisition of any content must be made by persons with the legal capacity to do so. 

We do not knowingly process data of minors. If we become aware that personal data of a user under this age has been provided or collected in or through our services, we will take the appropriate measures to delete it as soon as possible, reserving the right to suspend or terminate the services and use of the same that may be being made. The parents or guardian of a minor who is a user of any of our services or applications may contact us at to discontinue the services they are using and to delete their data. We are not responsible for acts carried out by persons without the necessary legal capacity or by altering or concealing their conditions that render them incapable of carrying out such acts.

Communication of data

Personal data will not be communicated to third parties except in the cases provided for by law, or when authorised or necessary for the management of any request, supply of any content, provision of any service and/or for the operation of the website, its options, utilities and/or functionalities and exclusively in this context. We do not market personal data of its users. 

Users’ data may be communicated to and/or processed by third parties to enable the provision of the information, content and/or services you request and to enable our administrative, operational, IT, commercial, economic, fiscal and security management, including our service providers that involve such processing as part of their provision, such as hosting service providers, infrastructure, online support tools, content management systems, database administration or others. These service providers are not authorised by us to use or disclose the data, they are only authorised to process the data on our behalf within the framework of their services and for this sole purpose, and we require them to take reasonable and appropriate confidentiality and security measures. 

The user is informed that download services and telephone/electronic communications inevitably involve automated operations and technical procedures of interconnection, transit and storage, as well as communications, transfers and interconnections with third parties, especially with platforms, networks and operators that involve the processing of sender and receiver data. 

The website may contain links to information, services, content and applications operated by third parties subject to their own privacy policies, which you should consult before requesting them. We recommend that you read the privacy policies of such third party websites before browsing them and providing them with your data. We are not responsible for the acts or actions of such third parties in connection with the use of your personal data or otherwise.

In the event of a merger or sale or if all or part of our business assets are acquired by or merged with a third party entity or in the context of a planned change of control, we reserve the right, in any such circumstances, to transfer or assign the data we have collected from users as part of such merger, acquisition or change of control, in particular to ensure continuity of services and applications, subject to the applicable legal framework.

Security measures

Epigram undertakes to comply with its obligation of confidentiality and secrecy of the personal data it processes and adopts the security measures required by current legislation on privacy, in order to reasonably ensure their protection and prevent their alteration, loss, unauthorised processing or access, taking into account the state of technology at all times. However, Epigram cannot fully guarantee the absolute invulnerability of its security systems or those of third parties, given that no security measure installed at present is absolutely unbreakable, and Epigram shall not be liable under any circumstances for any incidents that may arise in relation to personal data when they are the result of an attack or unauthorised access to its systems in such a way that it is impossible to detect by the security systems in place, without prejudice to the possible obligation to notify the competent authorities and affected users of the event suffered.

User rights

Users may exercise control over their data and revoke at any time they wish any particular consent they have given for the processing of their data under the terms established by law, which could lead to the impossibility of using the services and utilities made available to users of the website that require such consent at any given time. The revocation of consent shall not affect the processing carried out up to that time. 

You may also exercise the rights legally recognised by current legislation with respect to your personal data, including, among others, the rights of access, rectification and, where appropriate, deletion, portability, limitation of processing or opposition, by sending a written request together with a copy of your ID card to Epigram: La Paz, nº17-4-8, CP 46003 Valencia (Spain). All of the above is without prejudice to your rights to make any claim in defence of your rights and interests before the Spanish Data Protection Agency. Users will not be discriminated against in any case for exercising any of their rights recognised by current legislation.

The request to exercise any right will be handled immediately and must be resolved within a maximum period of one calendar month from the time the user provides us with the necessary information, whether the request is granted or rejected. 

Some international legal systems also recognise their right to establish guidelines for the retention, deletion and transmission of a user’s personal data after his or her death, so we will also attend to the exercise of any rights that may be exercised in this regard.

Commitments of the user

The user must keep the data provided duly updated, and shall be liable for any damages that Epigram and/or third parties may suffer as a result of the lack of truthfulness, inaccuracy, lack of validity and authenticity of the data provided. Epigram is exonerated from any kind of liability arising from the lack of truthfulness and timeliness of the information provided, as well as from any damage or harm that the user may suffer as a result of this. Epigram reserves the right to delete or destroy any information provided by the user which may be stored in its files without prior notice, especially if it detects that the information is untrue, inaccurate or out of date.

Commercial and promotional communications

Epigram may process your personal data provided to send you postal or electronic communications with informative, commercial or promotional content, which may include information relating to projects, services, promotions, offers, events or news relevant to users of the website and its services. When any communication of this type is made, it is addressed solely and exclusively to those users who have requested such information or, by virtue of the previous relationship established as a user of the platform, have not expressed their refusal or limitation to the receipt of the same. However, if you wish to stop receiving any commercial or promotional communication from us, you can request to unsubscribe by clicking on the link provided for this purpose in the body of such communications or by sending an email to the address Likewise, you may indicate your refusal to receive such communications by ticking the box that may be provided on the forms used to collect your data, in accordance with their nature and purpose.

International data transfers

The website, its services and associated data are hosted, managed and operated in the EU. Epigram hosts, operates and supports its platform in the European Union (EU). We do not initially carry out international transfers of data processed on our servers in Europe and, in the event that such transfers may be made in the future or processed outside the European Economic Area (EEA), they will be carried out in accordance with the current European legal framework and by means of transfer mechanisms authorised by the same. The use of suppliers located in other countries would be carried out in full compliance with the provisions of the data protection regulations in force at any given time.

Queries, requests and complaints

If you have any queries, wish to make any request or make any complaint, you can contact us at the following address:


This privacy policy may be updated periodically or modified in the future, especially to adapt it to the legislation in force at any given time, corporate codes or codes of conduct to which we adhere, instructions, guides and resolutions of the national, European and international administrative and judicial authorities on privacy or changes in our policies and practices, and we therefore recommend that users of the website periodically consult the same, in order to be aware of any modifications that may occur, without prejudice to the notices that we may publish in this regard.


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